Friday, July 3, 2009

My New Thing -- Who's In?

I've been fooling with an idea lately and I figured I'd go "live" with it and see what happens. I'd like to start a regular short-story club. You know, no big deal, but an opportunity for people who are interested to write short fiction based on a common prompt and post it here, open for comments. I'm not sure about all the mechanics yet, but I'm envisioning a pretty simple thing. Maybe one a month, or maybe every other week. I'd post a prompt (or anybody could suggest one) and then people could email me stories and I'd post them and throw it open to comments.

Here's why I'd like to do it ... it's not for lack of writing, nor is it because I'm just swimming in extra time. No, no and no. Fact is, I'm busy all the time. I'm sure you are too. But the idea of doing something new, and building a little community of story-tellers, really appeals to me. I also like the idea of a laboratory to try out new ideas, work with some new characters, and get some feedback. I like the idea of writing something smallish and funish and not worrying too much about whatever's going to happen to it.

So if anybody is interested, email me at If enough people respond, I'll post some ground rules and we can go from there ...


Spy Scribbler said...

I swear, I always love the idea of these things! The last two I flaked out on. I've been perpetually behind for two years. I hate that feeling.

I've never, but once, actually written just for fun. I'd sure like to try if I can flake when deadlines overwhelm.

Melanie Hooyenga said...

I already emailed you, but I'll comment here too. I think it's a great idea! The group I joined on facebook seems to be fading and I really enjoyed the monthly commitment.

How long/short are we talking here? Aside from my novel, I've only written flash fiction.

Jon VanZile said...


So does this mean you're in?

Jon VanZile said...


I don't really know how long ... but not terribly long. I suppose just long enough to get a decent story out. Unless it's poetry.

Jon VanZile said...


And of course you can flake out!

Erica Orloff said...

I'm in.

NPR defines short-short as 600 words and under.

I've seen 1,000 as the absolute cut-off.


Spy Scribbler said...

Sure! I'm in. Wow, I've never written a story under 1,000 words!

Mark Terry said...

I'm in. But as I demonstrated when I wrote "Flatfooted" on my blog, I damn near dynamite under my butt to get it finished.

Jon VanZile said...


Erica, I could see 1,000 words being reasonable ... there's no reason to get buried. Spy, what's your email?

Melanie Hooyenga said...

1000 is what I'm used to, so I'm cool with that. :) I can send some explosives up your way if some of you need motivation.